Friday, 19 February 2016

Game Art week Twenty

This week was the introduction to the 'off the map' project and we were announced which groups we would be working in. This year the theme is Shakespeare and is broken into three categories, firstly castles for Hamlet or Macbeth, Forest for Mid summers night dream and shipwrecks for The tempest. We had our first group meeting which we discussed which theme we wanted to do and began planning what level we wanted to create including level design, game play mechanics and environment ideas. After much discussion, we decided the best theme to choose would be Mid summers night dream, as it would create a more interesting environment, we wanted to create a comedy game with puck as a character, guiding and talking to the player throughout the game, we also wanted to create environment with painted stage sets, which would become more noticeable to the player as they progressed through the level, making the level seem more like a dream as the player moves through the level. I used this time to create the group website for our project.

In critical studies this week we had cv and covering letter seminars, which we talked about what to include on your cv, how to write a covering letter and profile, to make yourself stand out. I found this very helpful towards future job applications and received advice, feedback and print outs to take with me, with examples.

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